“ImmoRay” Physically Based renderer

My own physically-based ray tracing renderer. It is based on Jakob's Nori Educational ray-tracing framework. It supports microfacet BSDF, heterogeneous/homogeneous volumetric path tracing, Disney BSDF, PaperBSDF, subsurface etc. While learning and implementing the renderer, I made several contributions to PBRT (by Matt Pharr, Wenzel Jakob, and Greg Humphreys) including finding errors/bugs in both book and source code(Bugs including homogenous media sampling, disk shape parameter, DisneyClearcoat, DisneyBSSRDF and Errors in the book including FourierBSDF equation typo , BSSRDF typos, hair BSDF variable name typo and ambiguous variable in Sampler chapter). Thus, I am on the PBRT’s Errata list. Here are some images rendered by it. (Resources mostly from Benedikt Bitterli's website)